For drivers who want a brand-new vehicle, leasing remains a popular option. According to the credit reporting company Experian, auto leases made up about 24% of new car purchases in 2021. Leasing can be a good choice for those chasing a low monthly payment, especially as vehicle prices continue to rise. But when your lease term is up, you’ll have a decision to make: will...
It’s an unfortunate fact that space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves cause more structure fires than central heat and hot-water heaters combined. Between 2009 and 2013, the National Fire Protection Association reported that these heat sources caused 72 percent of home heating fires. And fires caused by space heaters led to 84 percent of deaths caused by home heating fires. This information isn’t meant to scare...
After monetary compensation, health insurance is the most desirable benefit for most employees. If you offer only one health plan, your employees are limited in their healthcare choices. Offering a choice of health plans can make your benefits package significantly more attractive to existing and prospective workers. What Are the Benefits of Offering Multiple Health Plans? Offering multiple health plans empowers employees, and it can...
With more than 100,000 auto body shops across the U.S., how do you know which one to trust with your vehicle’s repairs after an accident? A Repair Facility You Can Trust If you haven’t already chosen a shop, consider using a repair facility that participates in Erie Insurance’s Direct Repair Program (DRP). While it’s always your choice of which shop to use, auto body shops in...
12 Quick Fixes for a Drafty House Fixing these trouble spots doesn’t take much effort, time or money — and the payoff of a warm home can’t be beat. Windows: Secure the sash locks along all the windows in your house to clamp them down as much as possible. You can also seal windows that won’t be opened until spring with temporary caulking. Exterior doors:...